Sensory Gifts Autism Special Needs
Active Kids,  ADHD,  Neurodiversity,  Sensory,  Special Needs

Best Sensory Toys for Kids (2023 Wish List!)

Are you a Mom or a Dad to a kid with sensory processing issues? It´s great to have a list of sensory gift ideas that you can check each time a big celebration is coming: birthdays, graduations, Valentine’s day, or Christmas.

I wrote the list below when I started my “hunt” for Christmas gifts that could provide my son with a nice dose of sensory stimulation. But they can be a source of inspiration all year round. So, if you are also looking for sensory gifts, keep on reading.

It was actually quite fun. I was pleasantly surprised to find quite a number of fun and cool gifts that could make it under our Christmas tree. Let´s check this LONG list of  Sensory Gift Ideas.



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When I start making my lists I always try to make them not only super fun (that´s a lot in itself!) but also very useful or beneficial. So my “self-briefing”, when I started my sensory-friendly gift list, was:



active /healthy/ exercise, or

sensorily interesting: textures / lights / sounds /movement, or

stimulates vestibular and proprioceptive systems


So, no matter if you have a sensory seeker or a sensory avoider (or both in one, as lots of us do!), you are welcome to look for some inspiration in my Sensory Gift Ideas List (I´m open to suggestions. At this stage, this is still a work in progress!)

Sensory Gifts Ideas

Getting Active/ Exercise / Stimulating Vestibular and Proprioceptive Systems

1. How would you feel about transforming their bikes into the coolest thing in the neighborhood?

Active Life LED Tires are bike wheel lights that transform their bikes into something really cool!

 We can also keep them fit & entertained in the backyard with these:

2. Stepping Buckets Balance Builders

3. Or with a bit of hopping with the Space Hopper Ball

4. Or jumping on this cool mini trampoline

5. Unless they are too big for that one! In which case you may need to consider a real grownup trampoline!

6. Or even better, do you have a corner where you can create an indoor playground?

7. Stand, sit, rock on a Teeter Popper!

8. A Swing!

The swinging motion has great benefits for kids:

  • it strengthens the vestibular and proprioceptive systems
  • it improves kids’ coordination, balance, body awareness and concentration.

This one (Spinner Swing)  is great for outdoors. We got a swing ourselves last year and it has been such a popular gift!

Or you may wish to opt for a therapy swing!

Moving into Textures!

9. A Sandbox

Can you imagine your kids’ faces if they wake up to a sandbox in the backyard? This eco-friendly sandbox is a great choice.

You may not have space for such a big present, but you don´t need to give up on sand or similar textures:

10. Kinetic Play Sand

11. And since we are still talking about textures. How about a Slime Kit?!

12. Unless you really want the job done for you! Then you can go for this cool colorful slime.

13. Playfoam is another nice present for those who like to feel different textures

Sensory Gifts  for Toddlers

14. A Waterwheel Table

15. A Wooden Xylophone. Educational and entertaining!

  • great for learning musical harmony
  • improves hand-eye coordination

16. Kids’ Ball Pit, Tents and Tunnels:

And don´t forget to add the pack of 400 plastic balls to the mix (they are not included in the tent & tunnels above)

And for some fun in the bath:

17. A Color Bath
How about convincing them to go for a very relaxing “color” bath? The color bath sends my kids to the bathroom on the double! 

18. Bath Bombs!
These ones are 100% natural and organic

19. Bathtub Toys with Light
Another example cute example here.

A Gift for Sensory Avoiders

20. Earmuffs to hear some music

Our son sometimes wears earmuffs to mitigate noises that he finds too overwhelming.

I must say we have not found the right earmuffs yet. He somehow expects all noises to be completely canceled. And I doubt there is anything like that. We were recently walking around the neighborhood and he mentioned, wouldn´t it be nice if there was music in my earmuffs instead of the noise outside? So we may consider something like this for this Christmas.

Other Small Sensory Gifts (and Stocking Filler for Christmas)

21. Sensory Chew Necklace
Highest rated ones here.

22. Fidget Toys

Related: How to Use Fidgeting Devices in the Classroom
23. This Fidget Spinner Cube is super cool!

24. A Magnetic Sculpture Desk Toy
Check out this one here.

25. A Liquid Motion Bubble Timer

26. And, isn´t this cool? LED Gloves!!!

We will also add some books and board games to the mix. Have you read my post “Anger Games. Super Fun Ways to Learn Coping Skills“. I highly recommend it. Some of the games suggested in the post are great ways to help kids develop coping skills, and fun at the same time.

How is it going so far? I may continue including fun and cool sensory gift ideas as I discover them. So bookmark this post and come back to it, when you sit in front of your computer to start your sensory shopping.

Happy Shopping!

Other Sensory Resources: 40+ SENSORY ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS

Christmas Post in the Blog:

Sensory Gifts Ideas for Christmas


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